Ángeles Garrido



(+34) 600 56 33 38


(+34) 952 21 63 99


C/ Armengual de la Mota, 17
29007, Málaga

Request a quote for translation

Sworn translation, simple translation and proofreading rates

The following are average rates. Actual prices may vary according to the volume, urgency and other particularities of the project. We recommend that you contact us for a firm quotation and deadline.

The main languages we work with are Spanish, English, French, Italian and German.

Ordering process

The easiest way to get your quote and hire our services in 4 steps:


Contact us at If you need a translation, attach a scan* of the documents you need to translate and specify the type of translation (simple or sworn), the target language and the format in which it is to be delivered (paper or digital). If you need proofreading, please attach the documents you need revised (in the case of proofreading of a translation, we’ll need both the original and the translation). In all cases, please tell us about the deadline (if applicable) and any other details we need to know. If you need interpreting, tell us what you need it for, what the language combination is and the date and time of the event.


We will reply as soon as possible with a no-obligation quote and deadline.


If you agree to the conditions we offer you, we will need your written confirmation and invoicing details.


f you have ordered an interpreting service from us, we will meet at the designated location, at the agreed date and time. If you have ordered a translation or proofreading service from us, we will start working on your order immediately and will let you know as soon as we have completed it. We will inform you of the delivery and payment options so you can choose the one that is most convenient for you.

* If it is not possible for you to send scans of the documents, don’t not worry;
you can alternatively give us the documents on paper (we recommend you to provide photocopies instead of originals),
by appointment.

Sworn translation

Simple translation

Proofreading and editing

Minimum price

* The above rates are before taxes.

Proyecto Presencia Avanzada en Internet Financiado por la Unión Europea – Next Generation UE
Publicidad Proyecto financiado por el programa Kit Digital Publicidad Proyecto financiado por el programa Kit Digital